The most anticipated party of 2024 finally arrived and it did not disappoint! -- from great food to incredible live music and surprises of all kinds, FESTILITY: ESSENTIALLY US was an evening to remember.
Here are some highlights of this eventful night.
The Concept
Unlike years past, that found us projecting new horizons, after a 2024 filled with growth, new processes, and projects, it was time to return to our roots. Basic values like the family, excellence, a sense of belonging, and an attention to detail. All these are a part of what we call our essence. That’s why we celebrated this edition, and the focus of every moment of the evening, understanding that there is much more to our team than just brilliant developers and bright talents from all over Latam.
Human and AI: The Dynamic Duo
For FESTILITY: ESSENTIALLY US we wanted to make it clear that one of our staples as a tech company is that we embrace our creativity and all the possibilities technology has to offer. This combination was also present throughout the event, starting with the evening’s logo: a fingerprint that combined traces of humanity with parts of a circuit.

Inspiring Words by Our Leadership
Part of what made the night so special was the chance we had to hear the perspectives of our leadership: Sebastian Riga (CPO), Rodrigo Morales (CMO), Juan Almaraz (COO), Vanesa Teruel (MD) and Pablo Abbate (CEO). They each shared their perspective about what this year has looked like, how it’s evolved, and what we expect moving forward. One of the ideas they all agreed on was that the strength of our team lies in the union of each of us, shining and growing together. Our favorite quote, though, came straight from the CEO:
“No matter the plan, or how great the plan is, a good attitude and commitment beat everything”

A Surprise at Festility
This family is one of many talents. And during FESTILITY: ESSENTIALLY US, we discovered some amazing ones, that debuted in a special ensemble: The Kenility Band. Collaborators were (pleasantly) surprised to find out that Project Managers and devs (including a copywriter) could bring the house down and give us all a time we’ll never forget.

A Party for The Ages
Complete with a non-stop food supply the entire evening, table games, and all sorts of treats (including ice cream!) our team got to enjoy the closing of an incredible and promising year, celebrating what's been accomplished and, above all, honoring everything that makes us unique. At the end of the day, what truly made this afternoon special was the chance to spend time with friends who already feel like family.
Here's a full recap of FESTILITY: ESSENTIALLY US.